The effect of Ginseng Jawa (Talinum paniculatum Gaertn.) root on the thickness of CA1 pyramidal lamina of rat
Dwi Cahyani
Ratna Sari1, Soedjono Aswin1, Sri Suharmi2,
Untung Tranggono3, Mansyur Romi1
of Anatomy, Embryology and Anthropology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas
Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Introduction: Ginseng Jawa (Talinum
paniculatum Gaertn.) is the traditional plant which has similar component
to Panax ginseng. It is assumed that
it has the same effect to the memory processing in the brain especially in the hippocampus neuron.
Objective: To reveal the effect of ethanol extract of Ginseng
Jawa root on the thickness of CA1 pyramidal lamina of the
Methods: Three-month old male rats (n=42) 150-200 g body
weight, were divided randomly into six groups, i.e. the control group (KN1 and
KN2) administered with aquadest and propylen glikol respectively. Treated group
(P1, P2, and P3) administered with etanol extract of Ginseng Jawa root orally,
at doses 6, 12, and 24 mg/rat, the positive control group (KP) received ethanol
extract of Panax ginseng root at 12
mg/rat. After three days of rehearsal followed by twelve days of test of
eight-arm radial maze, the rats were decapitated, and the brains were collected
for histological preparation. The hippocampal sections were stained with
Tholuidin Blue 1 % and the thickness of CA1 pyramidal lamina of
hippocampus were measured. Data was analyzed statistically with Kruskal-Wallis
and Mann Whitney test.
Results: The thickness of CA1 pyramidal laminas of
hippocampus were 42,98±9,54 µm (KN1); 46,55±9,99 µm (KN2); 46,19±11,39 µm (P1),
64,58±11,25 µm (P2) and 70,00±14,56 µm (P3);and 62,62±12,81 µm (KP).There was
significant effect for the thickness of CA1 pyramidal lamina of
hippocampus (p<0,05) at 12 mg/rat and 24 mg/rat doses of Ginseng Jawa root compared with the negative
control group. Using thin layer-chromatography, terpenoid saponins were found
as the main active constituents in Ginseng Jawa root
Conclusions: Ginseng Jawa root
administered orally increases the thickness of pyramidal lamina CA1 of
the hippocampus at 12 mg/rat and 24 mg/rat.
Key words: Ginseng Jawa, memory, CA1 pyramidal lamina, Hippocampus, Rat
Panax ginseng has been known since thousands years ago as
traditional herb plant used as tonic and aphrodisiac. In addition, a variety of
research has proven the influence of Panax ginseng on the cardiovascular
system, central nervous system, and immune system1, 2.
In Indonesia,
traditional herb that similar to Panax ginseng is Ginseng Jawa (Talinum paniculatum Gaertn.). Research
on Ginseng Jawa roots have been done, and proved to have the benefits of anti-inflamation3, increasing motility of spermatozoa4, anti-diarrhea5, and as stimulant
nervous system6. Syamsuhidayat and Hutapea7 (1997) classify Talinum paniculatum Gaertn. as the following:
Division: spermatophyta; Subdivision:
angiospermae; class: dicotyledone; subclass: monochlamydaeae; nation:
caryophyllales; tribe: portulaceae; genus: talinum; type: Talinum paniculatum
In taxonomy, the tribe of Ginseng Jawa and Panax ginseng
are portulaceae and araliaceae, respectively. However, there are some
similarities between them, i.e: 1) plant
morphology, particularly the root of Ginseng Jawa shows similarities with Panax
ginseng8, 2) both commonly used as
medications (aphrodisiac and tonic) 9, 3) Analysis method with thin-layer-chromatography (TLC) showed at
least there are two compounds that are almost the same between them, terpenoid
and steroid group, both included in the saponin
compound 10.
Panax ginseng contains three kinds of specific classes
of terpenoid compounds called ginsenosida, panaxosida and chiketsusaponin. Panax
ginseng at least contained 77 of ginsenosida. The ginsenosida Rb-1 and
ginsenosida Rg-1 have been known to improve the learning and memory function, increase
the synthesis and release of acetylcholin11, 12, whereas the number of synapses in the hippocampus retained by
acetylcholin and serotonin13. Ginsenosida Rb-1 and
Rg-1 also spurred the metabolism of nucleotide and protein of the brain, as
well as serve as a antioxidant11.
Hippocampus was involved in the change of short-term
memory (more than sixty minutes) into long-term memory (several days or more) 12, 13. There was evidence that in patients which have been taken their hippocampus
bilaterally shows amnesia anterograd, where event before surgery was maintained
but the new long-term memory could not be construct13. Hippocampus also suggested storing
long-term memory for several weeks and transferring it to a specific memory
region in the cerebral cortex 14, involving the
long-term potentiation (LTP). LTP is stimulation on line afferen to the hippocampus,
which increase excitatory potential synaptic on postsynaptic hippocampus neuron,
which can end up until a few hours, days, or weeks. Those aferen pathway which started in the
subiculum to CA1 regions, namely: (1) the
perforant pathway (from the subiculum to cell granuler gyrus dentatus), (2) the
mossy fiber pathway (of the granuler gyrus dentatus to CA3 pyramidal cells hippocampus), (3) the Schaffer's collaterals
(pyramidal cells of CA3 to CA1 hippocampus) 14. Changes to the LTP
may lead to changes in memory. Previous
research has proven the correlation between the memory and hippocampus, which
the increase of memory accompanied with an increase in thickness in pyramidal
lamina CA1 hippocampus on the awarding
of estrogen12.
similarity of components between Ginseng Jawa and Panax Ginseng on contents of
the saponin10 raises an argument about the possibility of their similar
effect on the process of memory in the brain. Research on Ginseng Jawa has been
done so far mostly to identify the compounds contained in it and has not been yet identify the active
substances which could enhance memory similar to that of in Panax ginseng.
Therefore this study aimed to reveal the effect of ethanol extract of Ginseng Jawa
roots on the thickness of CA1 pyramidal lamina of the rat
old male rats (Rattus norvegicus)
obtained from the Development Unit of Animal Experimental (UPHP), strain
Wistar, n=42, 150-200g body weight, were kept in wire cages sized 40x40x20 cm3,
each containing three and four rats. Food, in the form of pellets and drinking
water provided daily for ad libitum.
root of Ginseng Jawa is taken from the Medicinal Plant Research Center (BPTO)
Tawangmangu, Surakarta.
Ethanolic extraction of the root of Ginseng Jawa was performed in the way
specified in the Pharmacopoeia Indonesia Ed. III with some modification15.
The root of Ginseng Jawa was cleaned then dried with a dryer at temperatures of
50 degrees Celsius, than it was made into powder with a certain degree of
Panax ginseng
root extractdose16 given to rats was 8 mg per day for 12-33
days. Based on that experiment, this study administered
variation doses of ethanol extract
of Ginseng Jawa root at 6 mg, 12 mg, and 24 mg per day orally
for 18 days,
using a simple experimental
post-test only control
group design17. A total of 42 rats
were divided randomly into six groups as follows:
(1) negative control
group 1 (KN1) with 1 ml of distilled water orally,
(2) negative control
group 2 (KN2) with 1 ml of propylene glycol
orally, (3 )
treatment group (P1) ethanol extract of ginseng
Jawa root 6 mg
/ rat orally,
(4) treatment group (P2) ethanol extract
of ginseng Jawa root 12 mg / rat orally, (5) treatment group (P3) ethanol extract of ginseng
Jawa root 24 mg /
rat orally, and
(6) positive control
group (KP) with ethanol extract of the
roots of Panax ginseng 12 mg / rat orally. After treatment
for 18 days, experimental
animals underwent 8-radial
arm-maze test, to investigate on
memory performance, for three days followed by
a real test for twelve days18.
After measurements of memory performance, the
experimental animals were decapitated, than taken
for preparation of
microscopic specimen. Location of cerebral
cutting was on the cerebrum area 3.3 mm posterior to bregma19. Brain tissue grown
in tragachant then
immersed into nitrogen liquid20 for
25 to 35 seconds,
then placing inside the refrigerator at
a temperature of 25oC. Tissue was cut using a
microtome with a thickness
of approximately 6 to 8 μm, then attached
it on the object glass, to be stained with toluidine blue
1%. Pyramidalis cells
will appear bright
blue. The thickness of the lamina
pyramidalis CA1 hippocampus was measured using a micrometer on
a light microscope. Measurements made on the medial, top, and the lateral
part of CA1 hippocampus. From each rat were made 12
observations in the 4-5 slides that contain
3-4 preparations lamina
pyramidalis CA1 hippocampus layer, which
then be averaged. Data were analyzed with the
Kruskal-Wallis analysis, followed
by the Mann-Whitney
test to see the
significance of differences between groups.
This study used 42 rats as experimental animals but only 41 rats (n = 41) are eligible for analysis, 1 rat was dead. Histological hippocampus appearance shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, while the average measured thickness of the lamina pyramidalis CA1 hippocampus of each group shown in Figure 3.
This study used 42 rats as experimental animals but only 41 rats (n = 41) are eligible for analysis, 1 rat was dead. Histological hippocampus appearance shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, while the average measured thickness of the lamina pyramidalis CA1 hippocampus of each group shown in Figure 3.
FIGURE 1. Hippocampus histological appearance of control group. The CA1
hippocampus, CA2, CA3, hippocampal fissure (HIF), and
polymorphic layer of gyrus dentatus (PoDG).
FIGURE 2. Histological hippocampus (magnification 200X) with toluidine blue
staining. Signs ¬ | | ® showed a thick layer of the
lamina pyramidalis CA1.
(a) negative control group 1(KN1)
(b) negative control group 2(KN2)
(c) treatment group dose of 6 mg / rat(P1)
(d) treatment group dose of 12 mg / rat(P2)
(e) treatment group dose 24 mg / rat(P3)
(f) positive treatment group(KP)
(a) negative control group 1(KN1)
(b) negative control group 2(KN2)
(c) treatment group dose of 6 mg / rat(P1)
(d) treatment group dose of 12 mg / rat(P2)
(e) treatment group dose 24 mg / rat(P3)
(f) positive treatment group(KP)
In Figure 3, it appears that the average thickness of CA1 hippocampus in the treatment of group 12 mg (P2) and 24 mg / rat (P3) shows the differences with the negative control group aquades (KN1) or propylene glycol (KN2). The average thickness of CA1 hippocampus is 70 ± 14.56 mm(P3) and 64.58 ± 11.25mm(P2), but only 42.98± 9.54mm (KN1) and 46.55 ± 9,99mm (KN2). While in P1 that is for doses of 6 mg / rat did not show any significant difference with negative control group (KN1 and KN2). The thickness of the layer of CA1 hippocampus at P2 and P3 groups actually show a higher yield compared to the positive control group (KP) which had an average thickness of62.62±12.81mm.
FIGURE 3. Comparison of average (x ± SD) thickness
(mm) layer of
the lamina pyramidalis CA1 hippocampus in the group of KN1,
KN2, P1, P2,
P3, and KP.
KN1: negative control group 1
KN2: negative control group 2
P1: the treatment group dose of 6 mg / rat
P2: the treatment group dose of 12 mg / rat
P3: treatment group 24 mg dose / rat
KP: positive treatment group
KN1: negative control group 1
KN2: negative control group 2
P1: the treatment group dose of 6 mg / rat
P2: the treatment group dose of 12 mg / rat
P3: treatment group 24 mg dose / rat
KP: positive treatment group
Statistical analysis performed with the Kruskal-Wallis test produces F count> F table with 95% confidence level. This suggests that administration of ethanol extract of ginseng Jaw root in rat causes a significant difference (p <0.05) in the thickness of CA1 hippocampus. Significance of differences between groups using Mann Whitney test can be seen in Table 1.
TABLE 1. Statistical analysis (Mann Whitney test) on the
thickness of CA1 hippocampus
in rats after
18 days treatment
The table shows the presence of significant differences between the hippocampal CA1 layers between these groups: KN1-KN2, KN1-P2, KN1-P3, KN1-KP, KN2-P2, KN2-P3, KN2-KP, P1-P2, P1-P3, P1-KP, P2-P3, and P3-KP. While between KN1-P1 and P2-KP does not showany significance differences.This is study revealed that the ethanol extract of ginseng Jawa root increased the thickess of CA1 at a dose of 12 mg / rat (P2) and 24 mg / rat (P3). Further research required to investigate the influence of propylene glycol to the process of cells in the hippocampus, because based on the results above show there are significant differences between KN1-KN2 (both a negative control groups).
In this study also obtained the results of analysis of bioactive compounds of ethanol extract
of ginseng Jawa root and Panax ginseng, conducted by the
Center for Medicinal Plant Research (PPOT) Faculty
of Pharmacy UGM. Results of
bioactive compounds analysis shows there are similarities on terpenoid compounds, while
the steroid compounds is
not found in both plants.
study revealed that there was a significance difference between the thickness
of CA1 hippocampus after administration of ethanol extract of ginseng
Jawa root 12 mg and 24 mg/rat. Research conducted by Huang et al.21 (1995)
suggested that area CA1 is the most important areas in spatial learning.
Long-term-potentiation (LTP) is an activity that causes changes in the
thickness or the number of synapses found in the hippocampus. LTP is important in
the process of learning and memory22. Increased thickness of the pyramidal
lamina CA1 28 hippocampus is associated with the events
of sprouting dendrites of neurons in the ventromedial region of the hippocampus
and the CA123, and the increase in dendrite spine number is
associated with an increased number of synapses that mediated by LTP24.
of long-term–potentiation (LTP) in the Schaffer’s collateral pathway involves NMDA
receptors (N-methyl D-aspartate) and non-NMDA receptors14. In the resting
state, the receptor is blocked by magnesium ions. Sensitization to the receptor
and postsynaptic membrane depolarization causes releasing magnesium and calcium
channel opened 25, 26. Influx of calcium ions causes some calcium-dependent
enzyme is activated, including protein kinase C (PKC), calmodulin-dependent protein
kinase II (CaMKII), and Fyn kinase25,
enzymes that cause the induction of LTP.
ginseng extract has been shown to enhance memory in rat11.
Ginsenosida Rb1 enhances mRNA expression nerve growth factor in hippocampus26.
Ginsenosida Rb1 and Rg1 improve spatial learning and raise levels of
sinaptofisin, a protein marker in the synapse, which showed increased density
of synapses in hippocampus27. Ginsenosida also been shown to increase
influx calcium ion28, increase the synthesis and secretion of
acetylcholine 11, 29, increased production of NO28, increased levels of cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and cGMP11. Those mechanisms are
known to enhance LTP. The result of TLC analysis conducted in this study,
showed that ethanol extract of Panax ginseng and ginseng Jawa have the same
compound, the terpenoid saponins, which affect the thickness of the lamina
pyramidalis CA128
hippocampus at a dose of 12 mg and 24 mg / rat. The increasing of the thickness
of CA1 after administration of ethanol extract of ginseng Jawa roots
due to the presence of compounds assumed that terpenoid saponins have a role in
Administering ethanol
extract of Ginseng Jawa (Talinum
paniculatum Gaertn.) root could increase the thickness of lamina
pyramidalis CA1 hippocampus in rats (Rattus norvegicus). Effective doses of ethanol extract of Ginseng
Jawa root to increase the thickness of lamina pyramidalis CA1 hippocampus is 12
mg and 24 mg/rat.
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